Friday, May 22, 2009


cheers for friday!:)
i like how its a friday night but im stuck at home...writing this blog. i am so glad this week is over, but my friday is not going to well:(

1) i got allergies. im allergic to everything starting from apples all the way to dust. i dislike this very much.
2) i should be at a taylor swift concert but im not. and i really thought i was gonna go and i really am in love with her. but i guess it was God's plan and someday, he will let me go meet her:)

so i was suprised at others' response to my last blog and it made me really happy:) im glad that people enjoy reading my blogs. anyway, my life hasnt gone through a BIG change since last Saturday, but i am seeing progress:)

That night on saturday, i took my bible and this book called, "Pathways to his Presence" (its a reallllllly goood book. i recommmend it very much.) and this book is like a everday plan lesson thing and it tells you what scriptures to read and just little tips on building a relationship with God. I've had this book awhile but i just never finished it. so i opened it to May 16 and to my suprise, it was talking about the importance of prayer and how if we dont pray, we are empty and we face a lot more difficulties. "Draw near to God and He wil draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded" James 4:8 i thought that this fit perfectly with my situation and at that moment, i realized that this was all part of God's plan. i was so happy and proud of myself:) now i read the bible everyday and even though i want to read my twilight, i get to tired and i turn of the lights, ending my day with a nice little prayer:)

soo school is boring as usual and the pressure of raising all my grades has drawn over me and i get depressed a little more everyday. but i think about the summer and even though this summers gonna be tough too, im gonna have fun. doing watever. im gonna do lots of things that i never have done and its gonna be memorable:) lettme know if u wanna make memories this summmmmer! live love laughhh

Yes. i took this picture. no photoshop or anything. this is natural. beautiful, huh?


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