Friday, May 29, 2009

i wish

so, this week is over. it went by verry fast. it was a good week and a bad week. it was the week of campaign and right now, i realllly dont know whos gonna win. me, geena or david? idk, but whatever happens happens and i did try my best. yesterday, i wrote an essay for my math class and it sounded a lot like something i would write here. ill post it tomorrow or somethinn.

these days, i've been stressing out about pretty much everything. but i realized that when i play my guitar, alll my stress goes away:) just hearing my hands strum across the chords makes me smile:)
playing Chris Tomlin songs are wonderful and a lil bit of Taylor Swift makes me calm:)
although i have so many things in my life, i alwayss wish for more things. i just cant help itttt. there are so many things in life that i want to just put a "property of hannah" stamp on. HAHAHA. like...Michael Phelps orr Ashton Kutcher.

I wish I had...
a wand
a black guitar
a good functional working brain
good grades
a bed that moves and rocks me to bed
a really good dream that i won't forget in the morning
a baby sibling
matt damon.


Friday, May 22, 2009


cheers for friday!:)
i like how its a friday night but im stuck at home...writing this blog. i am so glad this week is over, but my friday is not going to well:(

1) i got allergies. im allergic to everything starting from apples all the way to dust. i dislike this very much.
2) i should be at a taylor swift concert but im not. and i really thought i was gonna go and i really am in love with her. but i guess it was God's plan and someday, he will let me go meet her:)

so i was suprised at others' response to my last blog and it made me really happy:) im glad that people enjoy reading my blogs. anyway, my life hasnt gone through a BIG change since last Saturday, but i am seeing progress:)

That night on saturday, i took my bible and this book called, "Pathways to his Presence" (its a reallllllly goood book. i recommmend it very much.) and this book is like a everday plan lesson thing and it tells you what scriptures to read and just little tips on building a relationship with God. I've had this book awhile but i just never finished it. so i opened it to May 16 and to my suprise, it was talking about the importance of prayer and how if we dont pray, we are empty and we face a lot more difficulties. "Draw near to God and He wil draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded" James 4:8 i thought that this fit perfectly with my situation and at that moment, i realized that this was all part of God's plan. i was so happy and proud of myself:) now i read the bible everyday and even though i want to read my twilight, i get to tired and i turn of the lights, ending my day with a nice little prayer:)

soo school is boring as usual and the pressure of raising all my grades has drawn over me and i get depressed a little more everyday. but i think about the summer and even though this summers gonna be tough too, im gonna have fun. doing watever. im gonna do lots of things that i never have done and its gonna be memorable:) lettme know if u wanna make memories this summmmmer! live love laughhh

Yes. i took this picture. no photoshop or anything. this is natural. beautiful, huh?


Saturday, May 16, 2009

so personal

You know when you heard about someone, but you don't really know them, but you kind of do because of other people's remarks and saying. Well today, I met someone who did not know that I existed, but I knew that that person existed...That does not make ANY sense. haha. but you get what i mean,, right?

I remember that person saying something like, "my weakness is the fact that i am a people pleaser. I always try to please everybody, and thats pretty much impossible" SOMETHING like that. and that got me thinking...

I have a mom and a dad. But they are so different from eachother and its sometimes hard to please them both. My dad is a pastor and VERY spiritual. My mom grew up with churches and is somewhat spiritual. Although they believe in the same God, the way they look at things and the way they have their connectin with God is different. and me, im stuck in the middle, and because i am so confused on what to do, my relationship wiht God has been distant lately...very.

I pray every night to God. Thank him for giving me this bad/wonderful/okay/exciting day. it always depends. and right after, i list all these things i want or i want to accomplish and in a few words or so, i tell him how much i love him.

But thats it. I never find the time or am lazy to read the bible. and as i write this, i want to punch myself. before i go to bed, there is always someone saying "Hannah, man up and read the bible" "Hannah, just for 2 min., read the bible" but, i pick up a twilight book instead.

and what does this have to do with today? i dont know. but talking with this person and listening to that persons thoughts and seeing all that the person has done, it made me realize that i need to change. not change my hairstyle, or the way i talk, or my personality. change the direction that i am heading right now. i need to turn around and go a different road because i know that if i keep living like this, i might lose my faith in Jesus and ill become someone who..i dont know who ill become. but i know that its not someone that my parents want me to be or someone who God wants me to be. its gonna be tough cause my dad will want me to do this, and my mom will want me to do this, but i know that if i pray, God will find a way. and in the end, its going to please everybody...

that felt good. and im not just saying this. im gonna really try. im gonna rebuild my relationship with Jesus. Thanks for inspiring me, _________.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

longgg dayyy

what a long week.
what a long day.

so im youtubing and just trying to get bored so i can sleep, when i get a message from JOE:) he wants me to do another blog.
how sweet:)
i never knew people read them. hahaha. yay(:

anyway. im fed up with school. it can go down the toilet. and teachers too. :D

my goal for this week is to get Taylor Swift Tickets:D
its soo hard though..but im gonna go. no matter what. its gonna be a tight nightt:)

anyway. todays a thursday. the longest but best day because tomorrow is FRIDAY:)
oh, and im running for President against my friends again. a repeat from freshman year. but its alright. its a nice competition for me and i think im going to learn a lot from it. but still, Vote For Hannah:)
