Saturday, January 9, 2010


What can I do you for?

This phrase will keep me entertained for, hrmmmm; forever
I don't know why I think this is funny, but do I need a reason? nope. It's MY laugh box and I can laugh at whatever.
(for those of you who didn't get my "joke", the laugh box is from spongebob...)

I'm sitting next to the kitchen right now, and my mom just had a paper towel lit on fire. She tried to throw it in the sink to let it out but missed and fell on the floor. She screamed and picked it up and carefully lit it out. I laughed and she glared at me. I think I got my "cooking/clumsy" genes from her. (:

I skimmed through my previous posts the other day and I found so many grammar/spelling mistakes. It's funny how when you write it and look at it the same day, it sounds nice, but a week later, you're like "blah, what was I thinking?"
Kind of like the fashion trend...except I fail at trying to look nice. Nice comfy jeans. a cool comfy shirt. nice snuggy sweather. rainbows/uggs. ponytail or all down. im all good:)

My worst enemy is back. finals.
If we had a war against finals and teachers vs. students, I think students will win. Yea, teachers got authority and finals are scary, but when students are passionate about something, they are FIERCE. so if an adult is reading this (probably not) you better watch out! :)

I'm trying to think of ways to charm colleges. My grades won't charm em so maybe I, personally can. If you think of any ideas, lettme know.

This blog is.. pretty much pointless. Sorry, but it's my way of avoiding doing homework.

Happy Saturday:)


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