Friday, April 3, 2009

Crabby Patties

This is ASB. Its an oldd picture but it stilll looks cute:)
So today was a crappy day. I was not very happy and it got better later on but my sixth period just ruined it for me ALLLLL over again. ): So today was Prom Court nominations and I wanted to give the crowns to the princes but the seniors wanted to do it and i got sad cause I wanted to do it but they were seniors so i got over it. but then, i guess i looked pretty sad/pissed and like ASB started to say stuff like "you have 2 years Hannah!" "Why are you soo sad?" and like stuff like that that kinda made me u know, embarassed. like i was totally okay with not giving out the crowns but i guess my face showed differently and they started to feel bad for me and i reallly didnt want them to feel bad for me cause i was OKAY. and like when the spotlight is on you, you start tearing up so then i started to tear up and that made them like think that i was REALLLLy sad but i really wasnt so they were saying stuff like "You can give out one crown!" and u know, treating me like i was a baby. and i understand them and i love them but i was FINE. i REALLLLLy was. and this made me think about something.

The way I act in front of them, maybe its not a good thing cause the way i see it, i act really..immature/childish/weird and all that stuff. soo they thought that i was really that when im really not. i might seem like a 5 year old who sings hannah montana in a 15yearold body, but thats just my hyper side. like i dont get upset easily and i am a chill person. i dont hold grudges for a long time and if you really know me, i am somewhat mature. and today, i felt as if i was kind of "underaged" and i didnt really like it so that made me kind of..pissed. but i wasnt pissed at them, i was pissed at the fact that i seemed so immature and them treating me like a baby.
but dont forget, ASB is my family and i reallllllllly am thankful for them. All of the seniors, even the ones who make fun of me, are really special and they are going to be missed, A LOT. I wish that today didnt make me seem like a childish baby to them and i hope that they treat me normally on Monday (picking on me). i enjoy the "mean" jokes and they make me laugh. i wonder if i become a junior next year, this will be the same, or if i am the one that picks on people. haha:) anyway. this alll happened 2nd period.
6th period.
my teacher is so mean. she is a jerk for suree. im nice to her but i guess that doesn't give a damn to her. she needs to chill out and teach the class something instead of having breakdowns every other days.
i love my math teacher mrs. rabe<3
it might seem crazy but she really is a great example to follow and really approachable. i can talk to her about ANYTHING.
well this was my day!

1 comment:

  1. i don't see how you like ms. rabe. she gives me POOP about stuff. oh well i'm sure you have your reasons. and YES i really do hope you make yb!!!
