Tuesday, April 28, 2009

man up

its weird how a friend thinks they know how you feel and then the next second, they forget you are standing right next to them and starts babbling away. thats messed up.

so i didnt make it to varsity cheer. it was gay. i was pissed. i got over it.

im still pissed though. not cause i didnt get in, but because some dont take into consideration that even though i say its okay. i still feel a bit weird and its weird to hear conversations about how great next year is going to be in front of me. that sucks.

next year is going to be different and its going to be a change for me. i hope that change is good.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

reality sucks

soooo. this week is the week after spring break, so it pretty much isnt all that great. i wish i can turn time around and PAUSE because last week was amazing and i had a BLAST. Last week, i went to COSTARICA:)

great place, funny people. thats all i have to say:D

anywayyy, today is a thursday and im BEHIND in euro homework:( so i haev to fiinish and catch up on everything TODAY. this week is also cheer tryouts so yea, its tiring and im a little afraid i wont make it cause i dont have my back hand spring. but oh well. if i dont make it, no practices and a free period:) yay! school sucks and i neeed to raise my grades AND study for euro. ughhhhhhhhh. im gonnna cry just thinking about it. anyway, the only person that reads this is Janine sooooo

ily JANINE:) <3

Monday, April 6, 2009

Songs in my Head

Today is a Monday. it was a good monday though:)
it was my Mom's and my cousin Sharon's birtnday andd today was Open House. and after open house, we ate at FroYos which was pretty goood:D

well i was looking through my ipod i found soem very weird songs...

Raid on the Castle-Narnia:Prince Caspian
Corner of the Sky-Pippin
Why Do You Let Me Stay Here-She and Him
Weed Party- Band of Horses

(i have more buttt too much.)

anyway, these songs are so random/weird.
the narnia song, hahaha:) it makes me fall asleep, and DONT JUDGE. i reallly like it, i recommend to people!:D
Pippin song, its really weird because the version that i have is old and the guy sounds funny, but if you hear the recent one like THIS YEAR, its a reallllly goood song!:) and SHE AND HIM song, they are weird. the girl from YES MAN and teacher in bridge to terabithia or however you spell it is the singer there and shes goood:) im impressed. and Weed party, its not what you think. ;) band of Horses is a WONDERFUL band. go check them out.

right now, i am digging Gavin degraw, Jack's mannequin, Runner Runner, Jon Mclaughlin, and William Fitzsimmons.

anyway. homework awaits me.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Crabby Patties

This is ASB. Its an oldd picture but it stilll looks cute:)
So today was a crappy day. I was not very happy and it got better later on but my sixth period just ruined it for me ALLLLL over again. ): So today was Prom Court nominations and I wanted to give the crowns to the princes but the seniors wanted to do it and i got sad cause I wanted to do it but they were seniors so i got over it. but then, i guess i looked pretty sad/pissed and like ASB started to say stuff like "you have 2 years Hannah!" "Why are you soo sad?" and like stuff like that that kinda made me u know, embarassed. like i was totally okay with not giving out the crowns but i guess my face showed differently and they started to feel bad for me and i reallly didnt want them to feel bad for me cause i was OKAY. and like when the spotlight is on you, you start tearing up so then i started to tear up and that made them like think that i was REALLLLy sad but i really wasnt so they were saying stuff like "You can give out one crown!" and u know, treating me like i was a baby. and i understand them and i love them but i was FINE. i REALLLLLy was. and this made me think about something.

The way I act in front of them, maybe its not a good thing cause the way i see it, i act really..immature/childish/weird and all that stuff. soo they thought that i was really that when im really not. i might seem like a 5 year old who sings hannah montana in a 15yearold body, but thats just my hyper side. like i dont get upset easily and i am a chill person. i dont hold grudges for a long time and if you really know me, i am somewhat mature. and today, i felt as if i was kind of "underaged" and i didnt really like it so that made me kind of..pissed. but i wasnt pissed at them, i was pissed at the fact that i seemed so immature and them treating me like a baby.
but dont forget, ASB is my family and i reallllllllly am thankful for them. All of the seniors, even the ones who make fun of me, are really special and they are going to be missed, A LOT. I wish that today didnt make me seem like a childish baby to them and i hope that they treat me normally on Monday (picking on me). i enjoy the "mean" jokes and they make me laugh. i wonder if i become a junior next year, this will be the same, or if i am the one that picks on people. haha:) anyway. this alll happened 2nd period.
6th period.
my teacher is so mean. she is a jerk for suree. im nice to her but i guess that doesn't give a damn to her. she needs to chill out and teach the class something instead of having breakdowns every other days.
i love my math teacher mrs. rabe<3
it might seem crazy but she really is a great example to follow and really approachable. i can talk to her about ANYTHING.
well this was my day!