Monday, October 3, 2011


I posted something on tumblr. and found out that some people weren't happy with my beliefs. kind of mocked it.

It hurt a little. It shouldn't though cause people's comments about my faith and my life and me shouldn't affect me. But they are my friends and it makes me more sad that they don't know the truth. And I don't mean to sound like some "I KONW THE TRUTH AND YOU DON'T HAHA" but seriously. It is a really sad sad sad sad sad thing when people don't know who Jesus is. Who created us. How this world came to be. WHY there are horrible horrible things in the world.

Yes, it looks horrible. But you know what?
we are all sinners. We were born sinners. We can't do anything about that and because of that we are in this world called Earth. So beautifully made but in this word is surrounded by sin. And this earth will NEVER be perfect until Jesus comes down and takes all the saved ones to the new Heaven.

This isn't from my head, it's from the bible. I would quote every single thing I just wrote right now but I have a midterm to study for and the only reason I wrote this is because I was so frustrated with what I had come across on tumblr. Anyway, I'm probably just too stressed and overreacting. oh well.

If you read this and think I'm crazy, I don't care. Cause I'm not.

Monday, February 14, 2011


I haven't blogged in a while.

I've been so used to going to tumblr and doing lil rants about my day...I'm sorry blog :(

Well if anybody reads this...

I am now a senior. It is year 2011. Egypt's President stepped down as ruler. I have nothing to do. I'm in love.

Well, maybe not IN love but... no, yes. I am in love.

He is this guy. Has a great sense of humor. We've met a couple of times. I felt a connection. He's kind of older than me.

Oh, and he's in a band that is rising in popularity.

I honestly would love. I would DIE if I got to go to lunch with Johnny. Just learn a lil more about him.

It sometimes really hurts and gets me really depressed when I realize that I may never get what I want. Why would he want to do anything with me? But I keep hoping that if it really is meant to be... God will put him in my life. And if we don't end up becoming lovers...that is fine. But I would like for us to become bffs.

Today is Valentine's Day. And I thought about Johnny... I wonder who's in his mind!

peace up A town