Friday, March 27, 2009

Shine Bright

this is my cousin. this picture ALWAYS makes me smile. no matter what. even though im really mean to her sometimes, i love her. and i love her for being in this picture and making me smile.

welll. three days agoo, i witnessed a miracle:)
Tuesday march 24, 2009
so, it started out as a regular day. but, i knew it wasnt a regular day cause it was the Rachel's challenge assembly. i knew about this assembly for aboutt..3 months and i was expecting it to be a tear jerker assembly. BUT i didnt know it was gonna make EVERYONE cry.
i mean our school is like 2000-3000 students and literally everyone was crying. and i was sitting in the wayyyy front of the assembly and i turned around and it was such an amazing sight. i see people hugging, crying, saying "i love you" and it was just beautiful.
the assembly was about rachel, and her efforts to spread kindness to others, but she was unfortunatly shot to death by these two kids at a school shooting. her brother, Craig game and just spoke to us about being kind and what we can do with our future with compassion in our hearts. we saw videos and images on the shooting and it really is a tragic story, but im glad that it ended like this. not that i would want rachel to die or anything, but this huge thing she left behind; its so big and its touched people's heart all over the world, and if it wasnt because of that accident, this miracle might have never happened. this was probably all part of God's plan and we should all thank God for that.
thanks God:)

When Craig was talking, he mentioned few things that caught my attention.
1. he said that some people with positive influences around him still choose to be negative while those unlucky people with bad influences have to live with it.
when i heard that, i immediatly thought of myself. i can get so negative for no reason and it made me think and it made me wanna change.
2. he said that when he was under that desk with his friends beside him dead, he was so scared. but when he prayed to God to take the fear away from him, he felt so much better.
that is a miracle. and if i am ever in a position like that, i wish to handel that situation exactly like Craig because it turned out to be the best things Craig ever did in his life.

that whole day was a good day. everyone was nice to eachother. and others might disagree with me about this being a miracle, but it was. if one guy can speak for an hour and make two thousand plus faculty cry; its not normal.

the reason i posted the photo of my cousin was because i want everyone to smile like that. that smile is one genuine smile and if we all smiled like that, our hearts would be brighter, making the world a lot brighter. lets all try to smile bright. lets all shine:)

Thursday, March 26, 2009


soo, two days ago, i promised myself that i would write about tuesday but i couldnt because i was literally falling asleep standing upp. today, i have lots of homework, a euro test tmrw, and im falling asleep..again. and thiss blog i need to write about is not gonna take just five minutes, its gotta take time and effort and all of my hard workk

so tomorrow, i will forsureee write about tuesday and how that changed my life and the miracle and all that jazzz:)

today. is a thursday:) i noticed that i ALWAYS write on thursdays. even though thursdays are one of my busiest days of the week. haha..but anyway, i observed something today and it kinda made me sad.

today, i was at snack and we were selling yellow bracelets for the carnival this saturday and, OH. wait i had two things that made me really sad. so the first one, was i was speaking into the microphone and saying stuff like "GO to the Carnival. Buy your bracelets!" and all sorts of things like that. but all of a sudden, i hear this girl a yard away and she yells, "Shut UP!" O.O like cmmon. be a little kinder? i mean, im sorry im annoying, but its my job and i have to do this. so yea. it made me sad cause she was really rude. and it told me that the tuesday assembly about kindness didnt affect EVERYONE. i might be overreacting, but it was rude. so yea.,

seconnddd thing that madde me sad. At snack, we had the sound systems out and i was playing my ipod, and my itunes library; it doesnt have r&b music or rap or hip hop or all the music thats playing in radio stations and stuff. my songs are like, soft rock, acousitc, country pop, mellow music. and there was this one song called "Bruised" by jack's mannequin. and it was the next song to be played, so i played it. but these two guys was like, "ewwww. what is this? take it off. this is crap. piece of crap.." and so on and so far. and they take my ipod off and they put this song on which has two repeating lyrics with noisy music that sounds like garbage cans smashing eachother. my song, was a rock/acoustic that had a nice beat for you to just singa long to, which was my point. also my song has lyrics that actually mean something but what was their songabout? nothing. no meaning. nada. zero. and they call my music trash/crap.

what is music? its a cool way for someone to express their feelings. Andrew McMahon from jack's mannequin writes lyrics all by himself. and they express his feelings. what his thoughts are. the music that immediatly overpowered my song was noise. not music. and it saddens me to think that music these days are not really music. and even when there is a melody, the meaning is trash. somethin about doing it with girls or boys or getting happy or all that other stuff. i really dont know because i dont listen to music like that. but i think music is really important and people using music to only make money makes me sad..
this is my opinion.

welllll. i gotta start on my homeworkk

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

the chain reaction

so today was this...amazing day.
i witnessed a miracle.
and its not like a death saved experience, it was this powerful change that happened that just kind of shook me and i realllllly want to reflect on it.
BUT i am twitching my face off and im falling asleep so this will be
to be continuedd..

when rachel scott died ten years ago, her community, friends, and family all changed,grew,transformed into a pure rose. today, rachel visited me and i can feel myself change, transform, and grow into that person rachel wanted the world to be.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


i forget that i have a blog. and this blog reminds me of how lazy i am. ohh well.

anyway, TODAY was a good day. like when God thought he did good with creating the sun and the light and the dark and all that jazz; i thought today was a really good day.
Not only was today the last day of CAHSEE, it was so happy:D I remember laughing and laughing and laughing with all of my friends and i really have not had that in a WHILE. and i thank God for it.(:

this week is ALMOST over. debate this friday.cheer comp this sunday. this weekend is going to go by soooo fast! where is spring break when you need it!?

anyway. i have euro homework waiting to be done! joyy:)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

eff my life

parents dont know crap.seriously. i mean, what do they know about their child? nothing. period. there are no words that can describe how i feel

today is a thursday. i love thursdays. i dont have that much homework.(:

but i still feel like crap right now...