Thursday, February 26, 2009

2/26/09: start today, end never

This is the first blog i ever wrote in my entire life...excpet if you count xanga, but that was LONG time ago. Anyway, i joined because.. i guess i wanted to write somewhere other than a journal/diary.

SO today, is a Thursday, and i love Thursdays because its the day before Friday.(: I had to come to school at 7 because we had zero period for cheer-__- butt we only did our comp routine twice so the rest of the period was chill. Tomorrow is FRIDAY, anddd its SANDIEGO! YAY=) cheer is annoying, but there are still those sweet spots:) im coming back on sunday &i wish this trip would be a stress free vacation. Also today, me and irene sold iFLURTZ and lots of people came up to buy it but i think more people need to start buying because this fundraiser is our hope to a sickk prom.. anyway, i have a research paper due tmrw and i need to finish it cus i dont wanna sleep late today.
i hope this blog entry will help me get rid of my stress. hahha,
